DHL Success Story

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Business Intelligence System

About Company: 

DHL is the global market leader of the international express and logistics industry, that specializes in providing innovative and customized solutions from a single source. 

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How SDG Group helped DHL

Discover how SDG Group helped DHL, developing a Business Intelligence system, enabling the company to analyze aviation costs for each country involved. 

Main Benefits

The European HQ finance team were able to reduce its response time on analytical enquiries from either top management or subsidiaries by four times: from more than one week to one day.
In addition, the relevant charges on CpK and linehaul charges that were simply tagged as anomalies before have then been analysed in details and led to being the evidence of either wrong business decisions of aviation network re-configuration. 


The ongoing development of the market and the growth in complexity of the business require a better understanding of the information system, in order to acquire the necessary knowledge for the Aviation Operation cost analysis.
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SDG Consulting developed a Business Intelligence system:

  • Enabling DHL Express Europe to analyse the aviation costs for each country involved, in order to better allocate resources and manage delivery costs.
  • Providing both headquarters and subsidiaries with analytical capabilities on Aviation Linehaul Charges and CpK (cost per kilo) metrics as calculated by the cost engine. 
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Want to learn more?


Discover how SDG Group helped DHL, a global market leader of the international express and logistics industry, that specializes in providing innovative and customized solutions from a single source. 


Download the full success story now!