16 Fevereiro 2023 / 04:45 PM

Analytic Excellence: from the Gartner BI Summit 2012

SDG News

What are the key trends?

BI and CPM market, with a CAGR of 9% yielded in the recent years, is still the most dynamic in the IT applications portfolio, with an impressive growth of expected number of business users, from the current 25% to 50% of the companies’ workers in less than 5 years.

The key drivers are changing; analytic excellence needs new frameworks and new architectures in order to cover the new “big” information sources.

Main enablers will be the in-memory BI, a growing usage of external data, the specific best-of-breed data management tools and a new generation of service providers provides new business contexts and new business applications.

Nowadays marketing and commercial are ready for social to reduce support costs, improve competitive intelligence capabilities, protect the brand, identify the influences and better engage the customers.

Hybrid analytics are coming to help marketing teams to better map the connections between things and people. New supply chain analytics will enable COO from descriptive to predictive and prescriptive views. In-memory will be all about faster processing, do analysis “as fast as I think”, fast, easy and flexible.

“Big data” is because everything is information. Unstructured data is 60/80% of all information in an organization and the total worldwide volume of data is growing at 60% per year.

Enterprise integration alone will be ineffective and in-memory store paradigm will finally yield a single data model for OLTP and DW and will overwhelm the lack of flexibility and the relational model restrictions typical of the current architecture, too slow to meet the new challenges.

And for the first time in the BI Summit, during the final session where the analysts give us a wide-angle view of their Magic Quadrants on the markets for BI, DWH, DQM, MDM and CPM, they also introduced the most recent Marketscope table of the corresponding service providers, and … SDG Group was there!

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