The Data Value Ecosystem

This first eBook in our Value of Data series provides you with the keys to implementing an optimal data-driven strategy that generates value for you and your business.

The first chapter in our data journey dives deep into the evolution of the data world: from a linear value chain to a multidimensional information ecosystem. The traditional producer-consumer relationship has evolved into multiple interconnections. Where the same consumer can also be a producer of information and roles and responsibilities are intertwined.

Combine this complex and ever-changing dynamic with the need for managing data as a value-generating asset and we find ourselves with a unique challenge of creating a data-oriented culture.


Download the Data Value Ecosystem

Download the Data Value Ecosystem eBook and find answers to your crucial questions:

  1. Why is data a valuable asset?

  2. How does data add value to an organization?

  3. What is the internal value of data?

  4. How to define the value of data within your company strategy?

  5. Who captures the value of data?