Data & Analytics Trends for 2023

Technologies related to Data & Analytics are rapidly advancing, impacting businesses in many ways, just as every market evolves.

At SDG Group, we believe that in order to help businesses be fully aware of their potential, it is necessary to go further. It is widely believed that trends such as the growth and development of AI, Data Fabric, Distributed Governance and Data Mesh, Observability and Democratization will continue to be at the top of the agendas of Data & Analytics practitioners during 2023.

However, the objective of the white paper "2023 Data & Analytics Trends" is to go a step further and present topics and practices that will enable companies to go beyond these concepts, thus offering companies a real chance to differentiate themselves within their target market and gain a competitive advantage.

The SDG experts have identified 9 trends that will emerge strongly during 2023:


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Download the Data Trends for 2023!

In this full PDF, you’ll observe the full spectrum of trends for 2023 that we’ve separated into three main categories:

  1. Given Trends: These trends require immediate action to understand and grasp their concepts. This family of trendsetters is what we see are making the biggest splash in the market this year.
  2. Trends on the Rise: These trends are what we consider rising stars in the market. These technologies and strategies are gaining traction and require a look into them.
  3. Slow-Shift Trends: The slow movers in Data & Analytics. The digital technology space continuously develops new methods, technologies, and practices.

Download the Full PDF for 2023 and stay ahead of the learning curve!

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