Champion Success Story: Leveraging Data for Business Success

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Advanced Analytics for the Prevention of Water Leaks

Acerca de la compañía: 

Champion es una gran empresa farmacéutica multinacional que necesitaba capacitar a su gran base de usuarios para que utilizaran nuevas herramientas y plataformas de manera efectiva en un período de tiempo muy corto.

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How SDG Group helped Champion

Discover how SDG Group helped Champions to create an integrated planning control model for the retail channel, evaluate short-medium term commercial targets, support the buying process to adjust the OpenToBuy metric, and assist in creating "blind" purchase orders while balancing purchases versus sales orders.

Main Benefits

Enabled continued growth of the client's teams
Helped advance Data Analysts to Citizen Data Scientists
Empowered the client's large user base to use new tools and platforms effectively in a very short period of time


There is a general lack of awareness about Snowflake and Dataiku’s capabilities, modern implementation approaches, and best practices. Business transformation involves integrating organizational models, consolidating brand metrics, and growing market share across 20+ brands, complicated by outdated development practices and unpredictable platform support costs.
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Support Merchandise Control in forecasting stock movement, planning purchase metrics, and defining initial allocation metrics. Assist in assessing brand performance, store perimeters, and assortment KPIs. Aid Sourcing in managing the sourcing process through sales forecasts.

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Want to learn more?


Discover how SDG Group helped Champions, a leader in the design, marketing, sales and distribution of Sportswear, uniforms training stuff for the team, footwear and accessories in 60 Countries in EMEA


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