05 maggio 2015 / 10:00 PM

SDG Group nel Gartner Vendors to Watch: Innovazione Digitale

SDG News

Market Trends: Digital Business Awakens Optimism as New Growth Opportunities Arise in Western European Application Service Market 

"The promise of digital business in the challenging Western European environment provides promise for revenue growth. 
Service provides that can support clients with application services to support their digital business initiatives will have a key opportunity."

In Gartner Publication about Market Trends, SDG Group appears among the most relevant vendors to watch:

"The following list of providers serves to give a high-level overview of the categories of providers that are active in Europe. 

Local and/or country service providers: There are multiple hundreds of local providers in Europe. Some operate across several European countries; some are local to one country; some are local to even an area within a country. These providers partly serve the SMB sector and also larger organizations that are looking for local competency, smaller projects or speci€c technical competency. Consolidation and change is constant within this group of providers, as smaller providers merge together or larger providers make acquisitions to gain geographic or capability competence."

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