Intesa Sanpaolo Success Story

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CPM Project

Acerca de la compañía: 

Intesa Sanpaolo is a large, multinational pharmaceutical company that needed to empower their large user base to use new tools and platforms effectively in a very short period of time.

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How SDG Group helped Intesa Sanpaolo

Discover how SDG Group helped Intesa Sanpaolo to deliver live, interactive, and reusable training to the client’s Snowflake and Dataiku users, drive synergies across global teams with varying experience levels, and develop a robust solution to quickly generate insights and meet performance targets

Main Benefits

Enabled continued growth of the client's teams
Helped advance Data Analysts to Citizen Data Scientists
Empowered the client's large user base to use new tools and platforms effectively in a very short period of time



Address a general lack of awareness of Snowflake and Dataiku’s capabilities, modern implementation approaches, and best practices. Navigate a business transformation by integrating organizational models, consolidating brand metrics, and growing market share across 20+ branded products, while managing inconsistent and antiquated development practices and unpredictable platform support costs.

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Develop a robust solution that could quickly generate insights to meet performance targets

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Want to learn more?


Discover how SDG Group helped Intesa Sanpaolo, a large, multinational company that stands out as a key market leader in the global pharmaceutical marketplace. 


Download the full success story now!