26 junio 2023 / 03:30 AM

Telco: How are consumers moving?

SDG Blog

IBM presented the results of a survey involving more than 13,000 consumers in 24 countries, to assess general attitudes - including spending priorities, complaints, information sources for products and services, values ​​of global procurement - which showed that consumers are well aware and demanding, even more online and increasingly less loyal.

In this market context, how important is it to be able to foresee trends and beat competitors? If consumers are becoming less loyal, how can we assess theirempathy towards a brand?

SDG has proposed in telco industry, as well as in other contexts, methodologies and tools to assess both the sentiment of customers, now ever more social, as well as actions of competitors, in order to gain new market segments. The intelligence activity in a company, in our view, consists in identifying and analyzing data sources (web sites, blogs, forums etc..), freely available and able to deliver significant competitive edge, provided that the information is timely selected, and then carefully examined and valued.

In this regard, the strong success that social networks are enjoying is particularly interesting. These means of communication, as in an endless word of mouth, can instantly spread personal opinions and reach more partners on a global basis. Thanks to the explosion of this phenomenon,monitoring market trends and tracking down the comments left on the web by customers, competitors, prospective customers, has become extremely easy for companies, and this is a great opportunity.

Indeed, useful information mainly comes from sources free of access, available on the web, such as blogs, which are perceived as a reliable source of information, and have become a benchmark capable of influencing purchasing decisions and leading to the success or the failure of a new brand. It is obvious that monitoring this type of sources to gather opinions, intentions, trends, is a great opportunity for companies, because all these signs are spontaneously left by users, and if analyzed in time, represent a priceless resource to enhance and improve business.

How to capture and use them? SDG relies on its own experience in using semantic engines, that are able to collect information from the web, and translate it into indicators specifically established for the measurement of the Social Sentiment. Moreover, in order to to have the clearest possible result, SDG crosses the data with more traditional information sources, both corporate and external, providing innovative tools and analytical models that can better support business decision making.