Success Story: G-III Apparel Group

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Driving Business Analytics in the Retail Industry

Acerca de la compañía: 

G-III Apparel Group are global experts in the design, sourcing, manufacturing, distribution, and marketing of men’s and women’s clothing. G-III works with more than 30 licensed and owned brands to bring excitement and confidence to customers through the fashion they create.

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How SDG Group helped G-III Apparel

Discover how SDG Group helped G-III Apparel improve its data analytics, visibility and interactivity capabilities.

Main Benefits

Significant improvements to their data management reporting system as a result of the fast rollout and implementation of new applications developed by SDG
Improved access to their data, both from a mobility and time perspective
Reduced infrastructure, maintenance, and costs associated with their data analytics process



Implemented a mobile application for real-time access to retail sales performance data on-the-go. Developed an ATS desktop application to consolidate clothing inventory management in one centralized platform. Enabled standardization and integration of data from external sources, including retail clients, into the overall data framework.

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  • A mobile application to access retail sales performance data in real-time, on-the-go
  • An ATS (available-to-sell) desktop application to manage clothing inventory and movement in one place
  • The ability to standardize and integrate data from external sources, such as retail clients
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Want to learn more?


Discover how SDG Group helped G-III Apparel, global experts in the design, manufacturing, distribution, and marketing of men's and women's clothing.


Download the full success story now!