Booster, the Cloud Migration of Your ETL According to SDG

Start Reaping the Benefits of the Cloud Now with Booster!

Do you want to migrate your data assets to the cloud, or do you want to move your data streams to a different cloud provider, but fear it will require a huge investment in time and money? Booster is the solution to your problem!


What is Booster?

First of all, introductions: Booster is an application owned by SDG Group, designed and built by our professionals to meet the needs of enterprises that want to migrate their data pipelines to cloud or want to move them to a different cloud provider/hyperscaler than the one they have been using so far.

Booster works as a migration accelerator for ETL systems, autonomously performing all the repetitive tasks that a manual migration would require.

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What are the Advantages of Booster?

Primarily Booster goes to impact two fundamental aspects in any business process: time and human error.

By automating the performance of tasks during migration, Booster makes it possible to significantly reduce development time compared to a migration carried out in the "traditional" way, which is what more or less all data managers who move to cloud solutions apply until now.

In addition, thanks to the automation of processes, the possible error due to repetitiveness in human action is avoided.

Finally, Booster was created to be a modular tool that therefore allows SDG to quickly integrate new ETL sources or targets.

Who Can it be Useful For, and Does it Work With All Clouds?

Booster is the right tool for enterprises that have decided to give their business a boost and migrate their upload processes to the cloud, kick-starting their digital transformation.

At the same time, however, it is also extremely useful for those who are already using the cloud but would like to move to upload solutions that are more in line with their expectations.

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How Do I Try Booster?

Booster is an SDG application, so you can get in touch directly with our professionals and find out more about how to best use it and tailor it to your specific needs. You can also learn how Booster works by downloading our dedicated brochure.