19 June 2023 / 10:50 AM

Fighting efficiently against Major Pain Points on Consumer Products Industry

SDG Blog

Consumer Products Industry is one of the most impacted by last years economic trends, due to direct exposition to consumers behavior and buying capacity. Additionally to this crisis effect, CP companies have been fighting from so long with other challenges: changes in demographic distribution, retailers market strength increase, increase of retailer private brands


All this is forces impact heavily on bottom-line profit & loss, so orientation to efficiency in this industry becomes critical since a couple of years. Concretely, is important to understand, identify and fight against all this potential “Pain Points” throughout better analytics and decision making:

  • Promotion strategy are becoming since so long one the major commercial efforts in terms of sales gross margin, need to be perfectly understood and analyzed
  • Innovation and new products R&D is one of the keys of the future margin generation. Understanding shopper adoption rate is key to develop winning sales strategies
  • Understanding and improving brand awareness can make the difference in the mid term
  • Impact on sales from marketing campaigns is key to translate current investments in revenue generation on the short term


All this points are vital, so is really important to put in the hands of our CCOs and CEOs the appropriate weapons that can face-up the altitude the challenge. Being able to integrate information from sell-out coming from retailers, market data, point of sales acvivity, brand awareness and correlate it with sales is going to be key for performing at the best level, this is the best signal of intelligence in making business."

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