Integrated Sales & market Dashboard for Consumer Products
Since the first times of SDG in Spain 1998, our team have developed, evolved and improved strong skills and knowledge on Consumer Products Industry, very important market for the Spanish Business Country.
The fact that we have reach the goal, “Creating a Standard and Integrated Sales and Market Dashboard delivered in some of our clients as a solution”, is the proof that all he efforts and hard investment in this area has crystalized in something good for the industry and for our clients.
When some of our clients approaches an improving initiative in this arena, using a solution like Eagle, presents some high impact benefits like following:
The Eagle approach is becoming very attractive for the sales organization in our clients and is winning quickly a good number of adopters.
The industry is recognizing the value added from our solution.
I want to point out some nice news, (1) Eagle has been introduced very positively in the Gartner Submit 2012 causing good impression in BI gurus like Neil Chandler y Alex Soejarto, and (2) recently Qlikview has certified our solution in the Qlikmarket and recognizes SDG as Worldwide Expert in Consumer Products.