07 March 2024 / 06:01 PM

The influence of AI on the collection and management of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) data by organizations in 2024 is significant and multifaceted.

SDG Blog

The influence of AI on the collection and management of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) data by organizations in 2024 is significant and multifaceted.

Here's an overview of the key impacts:


Enhanced Data Collection and Analysis

AI technologies have revolutionized the way ESG data is collected and analyzed. In 2024, organizations will leverage AI to gather vast amounts of data from diverse sources, including satellite imagery, sensor data, social media, and news reports. For instance, in environmental monitoring, AI algorithms process satellite and drone imagery to assess deforestation, water usage, and pollution levels, providing accurate and up-to-date environmental impact data. This comprehensive data collection enables organizations to have a more nuanced and real-time understanding of their ESG performance.

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Predictive Analytics for ESG Performance

AI's predictive capabilities are crucial for forecasting future ESG outcomes. Organizations are using AI-driven models to predict the future impact of their current ESG initiatives, allowing them to make data-driven decisions. For example, in the realm of social responsibility, AI can predict the outcomes of various workforce initiatives on employee satisfaction and retention, enabling companies to invest in the most impactful programs.


Automation and Efficiency

AI technologies automate the processing and reporting of ESG data, significantly increasing efficiency and reducing the likelihood of human error. This automation is particularly important given the complex and voluminous nature of ESG data. For instance, AI algorithms can automatically classify and quantify emissions data, streamlining the reporting process for compliance with environmental regulations.


Risk Assessment and Management

AI tools are increasingly used for ESG-related risk assessment and management. By analyzing patterns and trends in ESG data, AI can identify potential risks and non-compliance issues before they escalate. This proactive approach is crucial for organizations to maintain their reputation and avoid regulatory penalties. For example, AI can analyze supply chain data to identify risks related to labor practices or environmental impacts, allowing companies to address these issues promptly.


Real Client Use Case: Hospitality Industry

SDG group worked with a large, specialist European hotel investment vehicle comprised of more than ten hotels, each with their own ESG characteristics and reporting criteria. Prior to working with SDG Group, ESG data was submitted by hotel users via email and consolidated in a single Excel spreadsheet with all calculations achieved through manual data manipulation. Through SDG’s ESG Accelerator that was developed using the Board platform, the organization launched a comprehensive ESG Reporting Module for its employees. 

This module includes over 100 calculated ESG metrics, embedded BI and reporting capabilities, forecasts and adjustments, user and admin dashboards, integrated workflows and KPIs (both within and outside of GRI standards, and custom reports. Through this ESG Accelerator, the organization was able to save time, improve accuracy, and achieve greater flexibility in their ESG reporting across their portfolio of hotels. 


Looking Forward 

As AI continues to advance, its role in transforming ESG data collection and management is becoming increasingly integral for organizations. This shift not only aids in compliance and reporting but also drives better ESG performance, aligning business practices with broader sustainability and social responsibility goals. However, it's important for organizations to address challenges related to data privacy, ethical AI use, and ensuring the accuracy and integrity of AI-processed data.


Want to learn more about this topic and other data, analytics, and AI trends for 2024? 

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